When most people think of wealth, they tend to think of it in terms of financial or monetary matters. The society approved idea of wealth is that of a person has tons of expensive material possessions, lots of money in the bank, and a large house and lavish lifestyle to show for it, they must be good to go. They…
Author: Healthy Huntington
The Whys, Whats, and Hows of Hair Loss and Hair Replacement
Male hair loss is surprisingly common, affecting about 35 million men in the United States alone. Yet despite these large numbers, a relative few seek hair replacement treatments. There’s a lot of information available about hair loss and hair restoration, but it can be intimidating. Here’s a brief rundown of information, meant to open the doors to the truth behind…
Athletes are Proud of Their Sweat, You Can Be Too
Sometimes you like to get a good sweat on. You’ve put in a solid workout at the gym, or you’ve run further or faster than you set out to do. Or maybe you needed to sweat it out in a sauna. In these cases, you will likely be happy with the amount of sweat that pours out of your pores.…
The Advantages Of In Home Elder Care
Elder care is something that all of us will likely have to consider in the future, either for ourselves or our loved ones. While it was once commonplace to have people placed in retirement homes, it’s become increasingly evident that private home health care for seniors is perhaps a better option. With many recent news stories centered on elder abuse…
3 Important Tips for Getting New Medical Spa Clients in 2016
Did you know that the average Botox patient is between the ages of 40 and 59? If you?re looking to get more consumer interest in your clinic, there?s a few things you should keep in mind about your demographic in order to make sure you are targeting them correctly. It could be the difference between coasting through the year and…
Electromagnetic Sensitivity in Expecting Mothers and Young Children
The negative effects of cell phone and other technological radiations are still not properly researched. There is not enough information for research professionals to go on, as the popularity of technology is still somewhat new. There have, however, been preliminary reports regarding the harmful effects of the radiations that technology emits. This should be a concern for parents with young…
3 Common Threats to Your Health You Might Encounter Daily
You?d be surprised, perhaps, at how much of your environment is potentially toxic. Most people are aware of obvious threats — cigarettes, for example, or air pollution. What you might not realize, though, is that everything from your hamburger to your cell phone could be increasing your likeliness to develop a number of health problems — including cancer. Here?s what…
How to Support Someone in Rehab
Going into rehab can be a scary thing. If someone you know has determined that it is necessary for themselves to be checked into an inpatient rehab center or alcohol addiction treatment centers, you should be relieved and happy for them. Coming to terms with the fact that you have a weed addiction or partake in alcohol abuse or any…
Five Tips to Take With You While Hearing Aid Shopping
Many people today rely on hearing aids to help overcome hearing loss and other auditory issues every single day. This is why having access to reliable treatments, medical checkups, and hearing aid repair services is so important for so many people. Understanding acute hearing prices and rates and what services ae available in any given area can help people know…
The Anti-Aging Secret you Can’t go Another Minute Without Knowing
In Oscar Wilde’s only novel, a British dandy named Dorian Gray stayed young and handsome forever while a portrait an admirer had painted aged in his stead. If you’re thinking “If only I could be like Dorian!” then you’ve probably considered anti aging treatments and other lifestyle medicine. You’re not alone. In 2013, the anti aging industry netted fully 2.1…