Initially, the application process seemed over whelming. Determined to enter a new career, however, you were diligent in completing the application. You were rewarded with an acceptance into the radiology imaging program and have been extremely satisfied with the program and the new medical skills that you have been gaining. In fact, at times you catch yourself explaining to someone how you made the transition from a professional photographer with a love for science into the radiology imaging field. You worked so long and so hard on that initial application, in fact, that you often rephrase some of your answers from that process to explain how and why you made the career change.
You hate to sound like a broken record, but there actually are quite a few similarities between the professional photography work that you used to do and the diagnostic imaging that you now do. Some of these responses have been the most helpful when you are trying to explain your career and why you made the transition:
- Both careers require a person who is detail oriented. Here is how you answered the question about this valuable trait: I understand the importance of quality images the radiology imaging field requires someone who understands the importance of detailed imaging I come to this new career with a well practiced skill of getting the best images first in my professional photography business. When needed, however, I also have the patience to reshoot whenever it is necessary.
- Both careers require excellent communication skills. Here is how you responded to this question on the application: My previous career as a professional photographer required me to use strong communication skills, both verbal and nonverbal. For example sometimes it was appropriate to verbally communicate a change I might want a customer to make during the photo shoot. At other times, my communication was faster and more effective if it was non-verbal. In both situations if I was not able to correctly communicate I would not have been able to complete my task. Those communication skills will help me in any future work in radiology imaging centers.
- When you had to answer the application question about needed technical skills, you were able to find many similarities between your old career and your new goal: A radiology imaging job requires a technician to follow specific protocol, like setting up sensitive equipment and completing tasks in the correct order. This is exactly what I have had to do throughout my career as a professional photographer. These same skills, setting up sensitive equipment and completing tasks in a designated order, are exactly the ones that I won’t need to be successful as an imaging technician.
- When it came time to answering the application question about working as a team, you were able to provide an example that only partially used your professional photography skills, buy also exemplified your team building skill set: Being able to work with a group is always important in my current role as both a professional photographer and a parent of two children in a Montessori middle school program that needed to raise funds, I was able to encourage a whole building cooperative art experience for a fund raising art show. The results were the most profitable fundraiser the group has ever had.
Radiology Centers Provide Much Needed Services for Thousands of Patients
Did you know that 12% of women will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of their lifetime? The detection of these conditions are most often achieved in the radiology imaging labs across the country. A decision to enter this field is a decision to help the nation detect and treat conditions that require the work of skilled technicians. If you think that you have the necessary skill set to enter this field, you will find a wide array of job opportunities that all go to serve the health of our nation. MRIs can last anywhere from 30 seconds to two hours, but number of scans in America continues to increase, In fact, it is estimated that 30 million MRI scars are performed in the U.S. every year. Is this a field that interests you or is this a field that could benefit from your expertise?