Pediatric urgent care, Urgent care lakewood co, Urgent cares see many patients

Live Healthy Without the Usual Healthcare Headaches — Urgent Care and Its Benefits

Being sick is a time none of us wants to remember. Health concerns and diseases need prompt medical attention, and for many, a trip to the nearest ER is what does the trick. Seeing a doctor is something that all of us have to do from time to time, and finding good quality care in little time while remaining within…

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9 Great Acupuncture Benefits

More and more people are turning to acupuncture for a variety of medical conditions. The National Health Interview Survey released a report recently showing that at least 14 million Americans have tried acupuncture. Nearly 30 studies have shown it is effective at reducing pain by around 50%. It has been endorsed by the World Health Organization as being an effective…

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Endoscopic sinus surgery, Repair of facial and neck injuries

An Ear Nose and Throat Doctor Can Help With More Than Ear Infections

Most parents have whisked an infant or toddler to the pediatrician at least once seeking treatment for an ear infection. In fact, 90% of children will have one before age 2. For 30% of those, the ear infections are recurring and many parents find themselves at an ear nose and throat doctor seeking relief for their little one. Although an…

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Benefits administration software provider, Managing employee benefits

How to Make Your HR Department More Effecient

Human resources could all the help it can get. They’re so busy and there’s always things coming up and and new projects starting; any little bit of assistance is appreciated. Outsourcing is always an option of course, but that has some risk involved. Outsourcing HR includes hiring a third party to do all of the administration type work as well…

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Beginning tumbling, Tumbling tigers preschool gymnastics

Why Your Three-Year-Old Should Try Gymnastics

Concerns about the level of physical activity among young Americans is growing. Six to 17 year olds should engage in at least one hour of physical activity, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services guidelines, but almost three-quarters of American children aged five to ten years old do not get enough exercise on a daily basis. Worse…

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Urgent care hours, Urgent care littleton co, Urgent medical care

When Your “Cold” Won’t Go Away – Know When to See a Doctor

Wintertime is often synonymous with the common cold. Colds are a viral infection that will typically go away on their own, but often times the persistent coughing and stuffy nose seems to linger for weeks at a time. There are important symptoms to look for that might indicate your cold is something much more serious and may require a visit…

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Medically supervised weight loss, Physician weight loss, Weight loss doctors

Medically Supervised Weight Loss Clinics Exploded in Popularity in 2015

This December, a new report highlighted the explosion in enterprises providing medically supervised weight loss. These medical weight loss programs will generate a projected $7.87 billion in revenues this year, more than two-and-a-half times what commercial weight loss companies will earn. Marketdata Enterprises, Inc. is a market research firm with decades of experience tracking the weight loss industry, and their…

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Airway reconstruction, Ent tampa fl, Tampa ent

Common Pediatric ENT Problems To Worry About, and Some To Relax About

If you are the parent or guardian of a baby, toddler, teen, tween, or any other variety of young person, then congratulations, you can count on dealing with your fair share of Ear, Nose, and Throat problems. That’s because virtually all young people will experience some of these common issues before they turn 18, and as a parent, it’s often…

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