Holistic migraine treatment, Natural cure for headache, Scientific diet

Do You Suffer from an Unseen Illness? Try Holistic Treatment

Natural health center

In Western medicine, we focus a lot of our attention on treating the symptoms of root problems that actually require far more energy and healing thought. What’s even worse, we tend to treat these symptoms with inorganic pharmaceuticals, and turn our noses up at ailments we can’t see.
But what if we focused more of our energy and healing capabilities on ways to stay healthy? What if relaxing our internal energy and healing before we got really sick was how we stayed healthy in the first place? Many holistic health practitioners for example agree that leading a healthier life and following good diet practices go much farther than drugs and short cited symptom treatments will. Below, we use three examples of common ailments that are often written off as psychosomatic or “not a big deal” to illustrate what we mean:
Migraines and headaches
How many times have you had a headache only to be told to take an ibuprofen, or to stop whining or faking? People who suffer from chronic migraines often suffer the worst stigma, thought to be delicate, dramatic, or at best simply incurable as they move from medicine to medicine with nothing working for long. If you suffer from chronic headaches and/or migraines, it is likely that you get one attack per month at least, and you are at a three times greater risk for depression to boot. The good news is, there is an alternative to all of the prescriptions and judgement. Holistic migraine treatment varies, but could include herbal supplements, aromatherapy, and acupuncture. Best of all, none of these remedies involve active ingredients you can’t pronunce.
It’s actually curious that most Western work places don’t accept sleeping in as an excuse for being late, since fully 70% of Americans suffer from a sleep disorder. Often people with insomnia are told to set louder alarms and down the ZZZquil. But many sleep aids can be habit forming. One alternative to inorganic sleep aids is melatonin, a naturally occurring supplement found in the body. Regulating your diet to limit processed sugar and gluten has also been shown to be effective, as is engaging in habitual exercise.
Chronic Anxiety
Anxiety is the most common known mental disorder, affecting fully 40 million people nationwide. And yet, only one third of the affected population ever proactively seeks treatment. This is due to many factors, one of which is our habit as a culture to dismiss anxious people as “worriers with nothing to worry about.” At the very least, we encourage people who suffer from chronic anxiety to seek out books on meditation and mindfulness, as these are the most common cognitive behavioral treatment methods prescribed and act as alternatives to anxiety and depression drugs. Herbal remedies can also play a big part in the anxiety assuaging process, especially chamomile and valerian root.
We have thought that we know best for far too long. It’s time to think outside of the box when it comes to our health, and explore all our options for healing. Pride goeth before the fall after all, so maybe the fall won’t make us so violently ill if we cushion the blow with an open mind.

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