You don’t have to have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to need help organizing your life. ADHD sufferers usually have a hard time managing their time, completing tasks in a timely manner, and staying focused. For this reason, the treatment of ADHD has often fallen to medication, life management skills, ADHD coaching, and cognitive behavioral therapy for ADHD. But even…
Author: Healthy Huntington
The Benefits of Acupuncture
You’ve probably heard about acupuncture, and how it’s becoming one of the most popular types of alternative medicine around the world. But if you’re still wondering why it’s so popular — well, you’re not alone. A lot of people just focus on the whole “being pricked with needles” thing without knowing about all the benefits of acupuncture. So what exactly…
Pleasing Your Peds
The feet are a very important and unique part of the human body. Feet do so much and allow for so much, however, people do not generally know much about proper foot care and facts about feet. Not all feet are the same. Your feet, complete with 250,000 sweat glands, have about 25% of the total number of bones in…
The Basics of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Hyperbaric oxygen treatment is a safe and non-invasive way to treat many ailments, but you may still have questions before you consider it. What is hyperbaric oxygen treatment? Patients are placed in sealed hyperbaric oxygen chambers, where the 100% oxygen increases the body’s natural healing processes through inhalation. In a normal setting, oxygen is transported through the body only by…
Don’t Let Eye Problems Hold You Back Visit an Optometrist
Vision problems are unfortunately fairly common in the United States, particularly among people middle-aged or older: research show that 3.4 million Americans aged 40 or older are completely blind, or have a visual field of less than 20 degrees. Moreover, by age 80, almost half of Americans have cataracts or have had cataract surgery. Fortunately, according to the American Center…
Two Important Things to Know About Joint Replacement Surgery
Did you know that joint replacements are expected to double by the year 2030? This is because by that time, more than 20% of the American population will be over 65 years of age. Fortunately, when you experience chronic pain, there is a joint replacement option that is right for you. As a result, it is possible to live your…
The Misconceptions That Are Keeping Americans Fat
Obesity is a growing problem in the U.S., with wholly 63.1% of Americans officially overweight or obese. What is even more troubling, however, is that American children are more likely to be overweight than ever before. Disturbing misconceptions, unhealthy lifestyles, and the bogus diet industry are to blame. What are some myths about weight loss that are making Americans fat?…
Are Coconuts Good For You?
Coconut used to be a no-no for nutrition meal plans due to their high saturated fat content, but recent studies imply that we may have been to quick to judge the unusual fruit. Places where coconuts are consumed as a stable food are often some of the healthiest populations in the world. The Tokelauans in the South Pacific get 60%…
Great Massage Tips for Pregnant Women
Pregnancy is an exciting time, and you shouldn’t have to suffer through all the aches and pains without a little help. Massage therapy can reduce anxiety and depression in pregnant women, relieve joint pain and muscle aches and even improve labor. Massage therapy can also boost immunity, to help you and your baby stay healthy. A foot massage during pregnancy…
Smokers and E Cigs
Liquid e cig juice is something people buy to put in their e cigarette. An electronic cigarette (e cig or e cigarette) is a battery powered vaporizer which simulates tobacco smoking by producing an aerosol that resembles smoke. The person inhales as usual, just as they would if they were smoking a cigarette. What they inhale is the e cig…