What are your family’s most memorable health care visits? For many, these visits include evening and weekend emergency trips to quick care clinic around the country. From a quick x-ray at a urgent care Allen TX to a couple of stitches in an urgent care setting Chicago IL, families often have some fairly memorable stories from their visits for health…
Author: Healthy Huntington
Why Going to an Urgent Care Might Be a Better Option than an Emergency Room
When your little one falls and fractures their wrist or we just can’t seem to get a fever to go down, no matter what we do, the first place we tend to go on short notice is the emergency room. This isn’t necessarily wrong or a bad thing but there is a better choice available. As long as the situation…
Substance Abuse in the Workplace: A Discussion
Substance abuse sometimes causes serious problems, not just for the person suffering with a substance abuse disorder, but also the people who lives and works with them. It is, unfortunately a huge problem. Every year, one out of every five Canadians experience a mental health or addiction problem, and substance abuse causes 47,000 deaths in Canada annually. Then there’s the…
The Benefits of Bio identical Hormone Therapy
Are you considering hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to address imbalances or deficiencies? Exploring local natural hormone replacement options can lead you to solutions that align with your preferences and health needs. Core medical hormone replacement therapies like HRT Complete E offer comprehensive approaches that cater to various hormonal imbalances. Considering reviews of hormone treatment centers can provide valuable insights into…
How to Find the Right Pharmacy for Your Needs
Taking care of your day-to-day health can be a difficult, but important task. Over the counter medicine is a significant part of helping keep people healthy, comfortable, and happy through minor ailments and other conditions. In fact, over the counter medicine makes up a good portion of the $251.73 billion pharmacy and drug stores rake in in gross revenue annually.…
Top Five Benefits of Urgent Care Centers for Children
It’s important to take your child to their licensed pediatrician on a regular basis, but sometimes situations arise that may prevent you from doing so. In those situations, there are more options than visiting the drug store. Any walk in clinic will accept a child as a patient in the instance that a pediatrician can’t be reached. Some parents may…
Three Shockingly Simple Ways You Can Fight Off the Progression and Development of Macular Degeneration
There are some things that improve with age, such as wine, cheese, maturity, wisdom, and a preference for the finer things in life. But for as many things there that improve with age, there’s an equal number that don’t. And don’t only do they not improve or stagnate, they get worse! A good example of this an eye disease known…
Rapid Detox and Its Role in the Drug Recovery Journey
Living with an addiction can destroy a person’s life. The old person disappears and the subject of the addiction becomes who the addict is. Things they never dreamed they’d be capable of becomes a way of life. They might lose their job, their family, their home, and anything they once took pride in before they muster the courage to detox,…
Are You Doing the Utmost Highest Level of Care to Your Children With Autism?
Applied Behavioral Analysis, or ABA for short, is a type of medical therapy that’s been making waves as of late. Many decades of research form the foundation of the ABA industry, allowing healthcare professionals a means of analyzing the behavior that patients on the autistic scale exhibit. Using the analysis of these behaviors, health care providers are able to better…
Microdermabrasion One of Many Options in Anti-Aging Skin Care
Microdermabrasion is one of the many non-surgical options people are exploring to attain an anti-aging impact on their facial appearance. Surgical face lifts can be expensive and risky. They come with all the dangerous that can commonly be associated with elective surgeries. Microdermabrasion, however, is a process of peeling the old dead skin from your face to reveal the fresher…