Maybe you or a loved one has stairs outside your house that you haven’t been able to access for some time now. Perhaps a disability has caused issues for you and your mobility and you wonder if you’ll ever be able to explore your backyard as you once did. A quality outdoor stairlift could hold all the answers and put…
Author: Healthy Huntington
The Dangers of Burnout on the Job, and Managing Your Workplace Stress
Burnout is a very serious and realistic occurrence that happens to a variety of people who work as healthcare professionals. Studies have taken place that show that there is currently a 35.2% burnout rate amongst physicians working in the U.S. The truth is, many people feel as if they are having a bad day in the healthcare workplace, or feel…
Making Sure That You Hear Your Family at Christmas Is Important
This Christmas will be the debut of the new hearing aid styles that you purchased. After the last three years of watching your adult children and grandchildren whisper and giggle every time that you had to ask someone to repeat what they said. After considering a number of hearing aid styles you have finally made a decision that you hope…
Learn More About the Benefits of Going Through the DOT Drug and Alcohol Test Training Program
While both drug and alcohol abuse are serious issues within the United States, illicit drugs are particularly so. According to recent government studies, one out of every six workers has an issue with drugs. When employees use drugs, they tend to be absent from work more often than their drug-free counterparts. Data shows that they are actually absent 20 times…
Scalp Micropigmentation Could Be the Solution You’ve Been Searching For
How you wear your hair can say a lot about your personal style and preferences. Many people use their hair as a form of expression, showing the world a glimpse into their lives without ever saying a word. Some people love the routine and familiarity of maintaining the same hairstyle for years. Others like to change their look weekly. But…
Showcase Your Scars or Cover Them Up, You Get to Choose
A lot of people put a lot of stock in appearance. While this leads to a multitude of emotional and self esteem issues, as the general public attempts to rise up to meet unrealistic beauty standards put in place by the media and society as a whole, one’s personal appearance can be tailored to their own personal preference in a…
Is your Excessive Sweating Due to a Medical Condition?
Are you the type of person that sweats at the smallest movement? Do you worry about exercising because of your excessive sweating? Are you continually checking your underarms to see if they smell? This problem is more common than you might think. In fact, the 8 million Americans with hyperhidrosis sweat four to five times as much as the average…
5 Tips for Finding the right ENT Doctor
There are many reasons Americans seek out treatment from an ear nose and throat doctor. Commonly referred to as “ENT doctors” they can treat ear infections, provide sleep apnea treatment and pediatric tonsil removal. More than 29.4 million people in the United States have sought care from an ENT doctor for sinusitis. The acute form of the problem can last…
What Ignoring Skin Protection Now Means for your Future
It is important to protect your skin from an early age. We all hear how important sunscreen is when we are younger. Yet, many of us choose to ignore this advice because we cannot imagine a time when we will experience skin aging and skin damage. Protecting your skin may be even more important than you think, as it affects…
Facts On Indoor Cycling
In the United States, there has been more and more of a push for people to get involved with physical activity. As technology grows and is more common in the everyday lives of American citizens, people have a harder time getting out and getting exercise. However, there are some people who are very dedicated to this line of thought and…