
Career Watch Orthopedic Specialists

There will be even more demand for orthopedic specialist services in the near future with today’s aging population. A lot of people who have disabilities are living longer with today’s medical advances, so there are also more young people who have these sorts of conditions. They will all benefit from watching a video like this one. Video Source Some people…

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How Wastewater Testing Is Used to Detect COVID-19

Things have gotten admittedly complex with the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic dragging on for over a year. Amidst the urgency and complexity surrounding testing the populations, a solution has emerged in wastewater. Mass testing of a whole dormitory or town can easily and accurately be done in one pooled sample. Video Source Wastewater-based epidemiology or WBE, as it’s called, has been…

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Celeb Charity Efforts that Made a Difference in 2020

celeb charity

Did you know that 60% of all Americans have donated to charity at some point? You’ve probably given to good causes in the past yourself, perhaps by donating to urgent care clinics who offer charity care to uninsured patients. But for many people, a problem that always comes up is that they’re limited in what they can give. If you’re…

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Chiropractic adjustment tool, Functional assessment equipment, Range of motion testing solutions

Expanding Your Chiropractic Care Business Needs Investment in Proper Evaluation Tools

Chiropractic care and physical therapy are vital to addressing some of the chronic pain conditions that affect the bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves, and other parts of the musculoskeletal system. The main difference between the two, however, is the extent and focus the treatment is administered. Chiropractic care relies on adjustments to achieve specific results on affected joints and tissues.…

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Nursing Home Staff Need Training During COVID-19

The cleaning staff in an assisted living facility are known as EVS, or environmental services staff. Unfortunately, they are often not given adequate training in IPC, or infection protection and control. These workers are on the front lines of the pandemic, providing cleaning and other senior home care services. Some of the services these staff members provide including changing linens, laundry, cooking, and…

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A Guide on Outdoor Physical Activities for Kids

Kids are naturally active and love to move around. However, children from today’s generation are increasingly living sedentary lifestyles. They live holed up in the house watching TV or playing video games. While purchasing online gaming servers is fine, your kid also needs to find a healthy balance and get physically active. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)…

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Coping with the Loss of a Parent in Healthy Ways

The loss of a parent is one of the most devastating and heart-wrenching experiences most of us will face in life. Whether the death comes all of a sudden or after a long illness, the pain of this loss deeply hurts. This loss is not something that someone will just “get over.” Nothing will replace your loved one, but over…

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15 Best Morning Health Tips

Waking up in the morning is one of the easiest things you can do all day, right? Well, for some people, the morning time can bring with it added stress, responsibilities, and can simply be too much to handle. Though we could benefit from adding some morning health tips to our routine, many of us still choose the hustle and…

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Tips for a Healthy Camping Trip

Camping is one of the quintessential summer activities. While the concept of camping goes back centuries, they continue to grow in popularity. In 2018 alone, over 1.4 million households said that they went on their first camping trip. While camping can be a fun and enjoyable experience, they can present a number of health and safety risks. Research and planning…

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10 Unique Ways To Improve Your Health

You may eat a well-balanced diet, exercise regularly, and keep up with your doctor’s appointments to keep your health in check. However, there are more things you can do to keep yourself healthy in the long run. The average American life expectancy is 78 years. More precisely, for a child born in 2015, the average expected lifespan is 78.8 years…

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