Getting a massage is a great way to de-stress and get rid of all the toxins and knots that your body keeps inside. Every time you get a massage, you feel better, in some capacity. However, one of the best ideas so far is having a therapist come to your house and do the massage there. A mobile massage therapist will usually bring everything needed from a portable massage kit to a table to essential oils and music. Let’s look a few benefits of home massage.
- No Driving
Driving to the spa is not that big of a deal but after receiving a nice, soothing massage, the last thing you want to do is build up all that tension again in traffic and road rage! The benefits of home massage is that once your therapist packs up and leaves, you can still play that soothing and relaxing music, grab a cup of wine and relax; letting all those toxins float away freely. Many times, when you first get up from the table you can feel a little dizzy or woozy but if you are home, it doesn’t really matter because you can immediately rest on the couch and let your senses catch up. - Pro-longed Relaxation
As mentioned above, the benefits to continuing your relaxation are innumerable. You could even schedule your massage in such a way that you can plan a warm bath or yoga or other types of relaxation before and after your massage as well, if you wish. you can also buy home massage products from your therapist in order to prolong the smells and senses you receive during the actual massage. - Deep Relaxation
Relaxing is not as easy as it sounds. I’ve heard of many people that go for massages and just can’t seem to settle down. It’s more than just soothing your body, you have to quiet your mind also and allow yourself to be calm. One of the benefits of home massage is that you are in your environment, accustomed to your own space and familiar with your surroundings. This can allow you to relax sooner and more deeply than if you were in a place that is not your own. Just lay your head on the portable headrest and let your worries drift away. - Get that Full Hour
One of the main frustrations I hear about massage is that while you are paying for a full hour, it seems like 20 minutes of that hour are taken for undressing and dressing before and after as well as talking over the massage and preparation. Another of the benefits of home massage is that the therapist will usually be actually massaging for that full hour because they schedule more time between clients to allow for travel time. - Convenience
It is much more convenient to have someone comes to your house in order to receive services like massage or hair cuts than to go somewhere else. If you are a busy person then you can leave the travel time up to professional, if you are willing to pay for it. If you literally only have a little over an hour between tasks, you don’t have to factor in traffic, etc, you can just schedule the time and be home for that hour to get your massage and then continue on with your work. - Flexibility of Hours
Many therapists that do at home massage are willing to have a much more flexible schedule, working early mornings, late nights and weekends for clients with a heavy work schedule. Mobile massage therapists usually work for themselves and can decide how much or little they want to work but they are also much more open to working with your schedule than if you were to go to a spa where you have to abide by their opening hours.
Whether you opt for a massage at home or at the spa, there will be benefits either way as massage is a medically proven beneficial practice of releasing stress. However, hopefully the above six reasons will help you to see why finding a mobile massage therapist might be to your added benefit.