Cancer treatment center, Cardiologist, Heart procedures

Heart Disease Is The Number One American Killer Staying Healthy With A Heart Care Services Check-Up

Heart care is an issue all Americans should be concerned with.

While sedentary lifestyles and anxiety disorders are some of today’s most troubling health issues, cardiovascular disease has remained at the top spot for quite some time. Able to be caused by a variety of issues and exacerbated over time, medical centers today are doing their best to keep pace. Even if heart disease doesn’t run in your family, visiting a family health clinic will do you well. You can receive a check-up, discuss your family history, and potentially receive continued care to ensure cardiovascular disease doesn’t become a limitation in your life.

Before you call to set up an appointment, read below to learn about heart care and how you can cultivate a healthy life.

Did You Know?

It can be difficult to put faces to numbers. Statistics, however, help us realize just how pervasive an issue is. It’s estimated someone suffers from a heart attack every 35 seconds in the United States alone, followed close behind by stroke and drug overdose. Nearly half of all sudden cardiac deaths occur outside of a hospital, strongly suggesting those with heart disease don’t act on early warning signs. With over 600,000 people dying from heart disease every year, action needs to be taken sooner rather than later.

High Blood Pressure And High Cholesterol

Major contributors to heart disease include high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Contrary to mainstream belief, not all cholesterol is bad. Your body actually produces good versions that protect your veins, though they can easily be overwhelmed by excess that contributes to clots and poor circulation. The United States bears some of the highest rates of chronic health conditions in general, including not just heart disease, but diabetes and high blood pressure. A recent study found over 85% of older Americans have reported at least one chronic illness, with 75% reporting two or more.

Generalized Anxiety Disorders And Chronic Stress

While high blood pressure, bad cholesterol levels, and family history can contribute to heart disease, there are other factors that can exacerbate it. Chronic stress is a notoriously silent killer, creeping up on a person and whittling down their body’s natural defenses little by little. Common signs of chronic stress include struggling to fall asleep or stay asleep, constant fatigue, lowered immune system, irritable moods, and constant anger. Anxiety disorders are also very stressful, affecting nearly 20% of the American population and making day-to-day life difficult.

Heart Disease And Heart Attack

Heart care needs to be taken as seriously as possible, as failing to provide your heart with the support it needs can lead to the worst case scenario: diagnosed cardiovascular disease or a sudden heart attack. Heart disease costs the country over $200 billion every year in healthcare services, medications, and awareness campaigns. As touched on above, every year thousands of Americans suffer from a heart attack. These figures were recently determined to be 735,000 annually, with a significant amount from a first heart attack with ignored early warning signs. Heart care services can catch you up to speed and keep you protected.

Visiting A Heart Care Center

The function of a heart care center is to diagnose any potential problems and provide you with a practical lifestyle plan to keep you healthy. Your first order of business is to assess your family history and search for any possible genetic predispositions to heart disease, stroke, or heart attack. Your doctor will discuss with you possible high blood pressure, anxiety disorders, and lifestyle choices like smoking or sedentary habits. A change in diet, more exercise, and relaxing hobbies are just a few of of the elements that can counteract a weak heart and strengthen it once more.

Your family clinic has the resources you need to live life worry-free. Reach out to a cardiologist and ask for a heart care check-up.

About Healthy Huntington

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