Disabilities affect people all over the country – and all over the world – impacting over 50 million Americans every day. More than 6 million Americans rely on or are helped by the assistance of mobility aids such as the common handicap automatic door opener. Mobility aids are crucial for disabled people not only for safety but in order to be able to navigate the world.
The use of mobility devices like an electric wheelchair or a fitted stair lift can prevent falls in an elderly or disabled person’s home. Falls among the elderly are a huge problem – approximately every ten seconds, an elderly person is treated in the emergency room for injuries related to a fall. Half of these falls among elderly people take place at home, often when the person in alone. Without the ability to get help, falls can be all the more dangerous. Fortunately, leading-edge technology can help to prevent some of these tragedies and injuries from occurring. Elderly lift devices as well as outdoor stair lifts can make navigating the home not only easier for the elderly or disabled, but considerably safer as well.
Navigating the outside world can often be stressful for disabled people as well, as accessibility can often be a problem. Fortunately, there are steps we can take to change this – a handicap automatic door opener, for example, is a small thing that makes a huge difference in accessibility. Wheelchair accessible ramps can also make a huge impact, providing accessibility to buildings that would otherwise be difficult for those in wheelchairs to get in to. Things like a handicap automatic door opener can be installed in residential buildings as well, making the disabled and elderly feel comfortable and safe in their own homes, where it is most important.
No matter what the disability, accessibility is important. Things like outdoor handicap ramps and residential wooden stairlifts can change the quality of life for those with mobility issues. Safety is another concern for those with mobility issues as well as the elderly, who are projected to make up 20% of the population by 2030, in just over ten years. Maintaining independence is important to many, and surveys have shown that the majority of people will try to live independently in their own homes as long as possible. Mobility aids can help to keep living independently safe, giving disabled people and the elderly more autonomy.