A lot of couples do not realize how many people have problems conceiving children in the United States. It has been estimated that at least 7.4 million women, that translates to nearly 12%, go to fertility clinics during their lifetime. It has also been estimated that about 12% of couples, one in eight, have trouble becoming pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy to term. If you are considering infertility treatments, it can be a very stressful experience. There are things you can do to make it all go better.
- Get as much information as possible. As in many things, when you head to the fertility clinic, knowledge is power. You should try to learn as much as you can about infertility. This should include what can cause it and ways that it can be treated. Knowing all of this can help you make the right decisions and understand the procedures. This can help you when it comes to financing your treatments and help you get through the process itself. When you have more realistic expectations for your treatments, it will be easier to deal with the wait. This is a process, not a one-time treatment thing.
- Do what you can to reduce your stress level. This is much easier said than done. Whoever has been able to become less stressed out just by being told to do so? No one. One of the problems with the treatments at fertility clinics is that the treatments are stressful. Stress can make it harder to become pregnant and the longer you go without becoming pregnant, the more stressed you can become leading to more challenges becoming pregnant. You can see the snowball of stress you can create. The good news is that there are healthy ways to reduce your stress level. You may want to try yoga and meditation to become less stressed out.
- Do what you can for your general health. This probably goes without saying but healthy women have an easier time becoming pregnant than unhealthy women. This means watching what you eat, getting appropriate (low impact) exercise, getting the right amount of sleep, etc. It also means you should quit smoking if you smoke and limit the amount of alcohol you drink. Many fertility experts also recommend cutting back on caffeine and say starting prenatal vitamins can help as well.
- Remember, you are not alone. You and your partner have a whole team of people at the fertility clinic who want to help you succeed. This means if you have questions, concerns or issues, you have people who have your back. They are there to help you. It can be hard to ask for help but from finding a good support group to answering your questions, your team can do a lot to help you through the process of a successful fertility treatment. Take advantage of the help they offer and you will have a better experience.
- Remember this is a marathon, not a sprint. When you go to the fertility clinic, it can be hard to see the forest for the trees but you will need to do just that to get through the process. You will have a better chance for success if you realize, going in, that you need to fully commit to the process going in. This may mean that you have to give up some of the activities that you enjoy for a while to become pregnant. The thing to remember is that any sacrifice you have to make in the short term will be worth it in the long run when you get pregnant and have your baby. Knowing this a longer term thing will help you in the short term. Even a long fertility clinic experience will not last as long as your time with your child.
Many couples feel like they have failed when they have to go to a fertility clinic but nothing could be further from the truth. You can have a great experience with your fertility treatment if you trust the process and the people who are going to help you every step of the way. You and your partner are not ever alone.