When is plastic surgery the right choice for you? If a cosmetic procedure will help you feel and look like your best, most confident self, then you should absolutely consider plastic surgery. Whether it is breast augmentation, a breast lift, or tummy tuck, the right cosmetic surgeon can help you enhance your features until you feel confident about your look.
Most people choose plastic surgery to help them feel better about a specific feature on their body. Maybe you’ve always disliked the curve of your nose, or maybe you’ve always been envious of women with C-cups. No matter the reason, you don’t let fear stop you from creating the best version of yourself. Confidence is a key factor in how we move through life, and you deserve to be confident. A plastic surgeon can help you to find a new perspective on your body. And when you feel good about your look, you carry yourself differently and are more open to living life to the fullest.
Why Do People Turn to Plastic Surgery?
There are many reasons someone will decide to schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon. For many women, it is to get their pre-baby body back. Once a woman is done having children, she may opt for a tummy tuck, liposuction, a breast lift, or even a breast reduction.
For other men and women, it is to correct something that they are not happy with or to get rid of stubborn fat the gym just will not take care of. Almost 250,000 people had liposuction in 2017 to remove fat, but that’s just one popular way to shape your body.
Whatever your reason, the first step is always the same: choose a cosmetic surgeon that has the skillset to deliver the results that you want. When you find the right plastic surgery expert, you and your surgeon will become partners on an exciting journey. Once you’ve selected the right physician, you can contact their office to set up your first appointment.
Some FAQ’s Addressed
One of the first things people will ask about plastic surgery is whether it is safe or not. As with all surgery, there are risks. Reducing those risks start with choosing a surgeon that has experience and is committed to providing the best in care for their patients. The best plastic surgeons embrace all of the latest safety protocols and best practices, and they should be able to demonstrate this commitment to you.
For instance, Dr. Greg Gaines is a board-certified plastic surgeon here in Gainesville, Florida. Not only has he been practicing cosmetic surgery for many years, but he has also been published in a variety of medical journals. Take your time and find a surgeon that you are comfortable with.
Many people also have questions about the results they can expect. Ultimately, your results depend highly on the skill of the surgeon performing the procedure and your willingness to follow the doctor’s directions during recovery. With all surgery, there is going to be some downtime. Some surgeries will require more downtime than others. Follow the doctor’s orders, and you can reduce the risk of complications.
What about plastic surgery financing options? In most cases, health insurance does not pick up the cost of elective surgery, but there are other ways that you can pay to get the look that you want. You can learn more about financing options for your plastic surgery at your consultation.
Plastic surgery is not right for everyone. If your surgeon feels that this is not the best time for you to get the surgery that you want, they will let you know. One of the worst things you can do is to “doctor shop” until you find a surgeon that will perform the procedure.
Can Plastic Surgery Work For You?
The best way to find out what is possible with cosmetic surgery is to make an appointment for a consultation. Once you’ve found a plastic surgery center that seems like a good fit, make your appointment.