If you’re losing your hair or have already lost a good deal of it, you are certainly not alone. After all, losing hair is incredibly common, maybe even more than you realize. For up to 35 million men, it has already become noticeable. The same can be said for more than 20 million women. Hair loss is caused by a number of different reasons but is predominantly attributed to genetic factors. As a matter of fact, male pattern baldness is the cause behind as many as 95% of all hair loss cases.
And hair loss actually happens earlier on in life than many people actually realize as well. Already, more than half of all men (around two thirds of them, to be just a bit more precise) have already lost a good deal of their hair by the time that they reach the still young age of 35. And by the time that men reach the age of 50, they have an 85% likelihood of having begun to lose their hair, even if it is not cosmetically noticeable yet (as up to half of a head of hair must be gone for it to first really become noticeable).
The process of losing one’s hair and going bald can be hugely difficult from an emotional perspective. For one thing, it can all too easily take a toll on anyone’s self esteem. Losing your hair can disrupt your sense of self, your identity as a whole, and so much more. For many people, the thought of losing their hair comes with a considerable amount of anxiety and depression, to say the very least. Many people who are balding would even be willing to give up just about anything to have a full head of hair again.
Fortunately, hair loss is not irreversible in today’s day and age and many hair loss doctors are able to reverse the problem quite completely. This reversal of hair loss is often made possible through a hair transplant, of which there are a few different varieties. The FUSS hair transplant procedure, for instance, involves the removal of a large strip of scalp from the back of the head. This strip of scalp is then transplanted to the front of the head, where the balding is present. Unfortunately, there are a number of detriments to this procedure.
For one thing, it leaves a scar of a considerable size. For most people, this means that it will be just about impossible to wear their hair in certain styles after this type of a hair transplant has been fully completed. The risks of complications are also quite high for FUSS procedures, including the risk of infection. Fortunately, an alternative hair transplant procedure exists for those who are living with hair loss to some extent.
FUE hair transplants involve the removal of naturally occurring clumps of hair, usually of about two to three hairs per clump (though there can sometimes be more). Fortunately, this procedure has much lower complication rates and even has much lower rate of scarring. When you have a FUSS hair transplant performed, a scar is inevitable. With a FUE hair transplant, on the other hand, it is unlikely that any scar will ever be noticeable. It’s important to note, however, that the typical FUE procedure is likely to take a good deal of time to complete. On average, this period of time can extend for as many as eight total hours. But while this process can feel incredibly long and even grueling (as the patient is typically still conscious to at least some extent), many find that the expected pay off is more than worth it at the end of the day.
Hair loss can be an incredibly difficult thing to live with on a day to day basis, especially as it continues to progress with time. And while some people can come to fully accept it, others have a much more difficult time doing so. Fortunately, procedures like the FUE hair restoration procedure, also known as a hair transplant procedure, can do a world of good and be very successful for hair loss restoration.