Disc replacement, Revision spinal surgery, Thoracic spine

Spine Problems Here’s What Can Help

In the United States, Americans are not immune to pain, injuries, and medical deformities. In fact, back and spine problems are highly common for many individuals. 80 percent of Americans will experience some form of back pain in their life. Six to nine million people in the United States have some form of scoliosis. Spine problems or injuries are very likely because of the many strong forces it undergoes on a daily basis (twisting, sudden jolts, and stresses). If you have back or spine problems, here’s what may help.

Back Pain

Pain can be complicated. The intensity and manageability varies from person to person. Some individuals who have herniated discs do not feel much pain; whereas, individuals who get a muscle strain can feel the most intense pain. It depends on the individual. Additionally, these back problems can flare up from time to time. One flare up can cause excruciating pain, and the next flare up can cause minimal pain. Because of these varying factors, it’s important that you discuss the description of your pain with medical professionals. There are three types of pain that you can experience. The first is axial pain. This type of pain is also called mechanical pain. It can come in the form of a sharp or dull pain. It can be constant or it can come and go. This is the pain that is most common with muscle strains. The second type of pain is called referred pain. This pain is dull and achy, and can move around to different parts of the back. Additionally, it has various levels of intensity. The third level of pain is radicular pain. This is a deep, searing pain within the nerves. A numbness or weakness can occur with this pain. It’s commonly associated with sciatica, because this back pain is caused by compression, inflammation or injury to a spinal nerve root. A spine specialist can also help with pain.

What You Can Do For This Back Pain

There are various treatments for pain management that do not require any form of surgery (including minimally invasive surgery). For minor pain you can use heating pads. Additionally, there are physical exercises you can perform to help your pain. These exercise consist of stretches such as bridge, pelvic tilts, lower back stretches, and leg stretches. This is all part of self care for back pain.

If your back pain is a little more intense and you cannot benefit from self care, there are other things you can do for your pain. First, there is physical therapy. A physical therapist or a spine specialist can assist you in stretching your back properly, and strengthening your back. Additionally, massages are known to help with back pain. Therapeutic massages improves your circulation and reduces stress and muscle tension. Therefore, with massages your back will feel much better. Acupuncture, similar to therapeutic massages, are known to help with pain. Acupuncture specifically targets lower back pain. It’s a process where tiny needles are inserted into the skin, at certain points. These certain points are strategic points or pressure points. After an acupuncture session, your pain can improve.


Some people can live with aches and pains (big or small) in their backs. They receive these pains from exercise, sports, and every day stresses on the body. However, scoliosis is different than minor aches and pains. By definition, scoliosis is an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. Scoliosis occurs during the growth spirt before puberty. A medical professional needs to diagnosis a child or individual with scoliosis. There are some children that only experience minimal pain. However, some pain can be severe and disabling for children. Additionally, the spine deformity can progress as children grow. This means that some children with scoliosis will lean to one side, have muscle spasms, or an uneven waist.

Treatment For Scoliosis

The treatment for scoliosis varies case by case, and person by person. Sometimes a back brace is necessary. Back braces prevent the progression of scoliosis. Many individuals who wear a ridged back brace do not obtain a physical spine deformity. Sometimes those with scoliosis need to see a spine specialist. A spine specialist will determine if surgery is needed to correct the spine.

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