Many Americans seem to be under the impression that weight loss requires strict dietary restrictions and rigorous exercise over a long period of time. In fact, 50% of Americans say they are unsuccessful at losing weight because they don’t have enough self-discipline. But what most people don’t realize is that losing weight doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy food at all; there are plenty of delicious and healthy foods that are scientifically proven to assist with weight loss. Here are some healthy foods that are perfect for fall.
Cinnamon is definitely a staple when it comes to fall spices, but many people are unaware of just how healthy it actually is. In addition to serving as a natural appetite suppressant, cinnamon also lowers blood sugar and gives your metabolism a solid boost. In fact, many nutritionists call cinnamon a ‘superfood,’ and for good reason.
Apples may be known for keeping doctors away, but they’re also one of the most delicious and versatile foods around. Rich in fiber and packed with nutrients, apples are a universally-loved fruit that even Eve couldn’t resist. Apples also help to maintain blood sugar levels and fight off cravings. They even prevent extra water retention because of their low sodium content, so if you want to develop a healthy lifestyle, start incorporating more apples into your diet.
As the quintessential image of fall, pumpkins can be used in countless ways. And unlike other foods of its kind, its seeds do more than just get stuck in your teeth — they can be roasted and turned into delicious sources of protein, fiber, iron, and a slew of other vitamins and minerals. Their poly and mono-unsaturated fat content also help to burn fat and boost metabolism. But if pumpkin seeds aren’t your thing, the gourd itself is considered to be one of the absolute best weight loss foods in the world. It’s low-calorie, high-fiber, and chock full of vitamins and minerals. Whether it’s fresh or canned, its nutritional benefits are endless.
Ultimately, these three foods are not only staples of fall, but they can help you lose weight in a healthy way. Medical weight loss surgery is also a viable option, and Nanticoke health services experts specialize in finding the best weight loss solutions for their patients. For more information about Nanticoke Health services, contact Nanticoke Health.