UPDATED 2/19/21
Cancer takes away family members, friends and co-workers every single day. It’s a deadly disease that takes many forms, can crop up at any age and has one of the highest death rates of any common illness. A medical scan, however, can pinpoint the development of cancer at its earliest stages and increase an individual’s chances for survival exponentially. It’s imperative you and your loved ones regularly visit a diagnostic imaging center every few years to ensure your safety, particularly those with a higher risk of developing deadly diseases.
Continue reading to learn more about your risk factor, common warning signs and how a medical scan can save your life.
Did You Know?
The leading cause of death in the United States is heart disease. This is followed close behind by stroke, heart attack and cancer. Although hundreds of thousands of people die from heart disease, prostate cancer and breast cancer every year, these conditions can be spotted easily through the aid of medical imaging. You can receive these at a cancer center, emergency clinic or through the aid of a heart doctor.
Check Your Family History
Over 600,000 people die of heart disease, heart attack and stroke every year. These conditions appear seemingly out of nowhere and are extremely deadly, with even those surviving suffering debilitating side-effects for years. Fortunately, you can better gauge your risk factor through the aid of a cardiologist. If you have a family history of heart disease or heart attack, it’s time to visit a medical center and receive a screening.
Factor In Your Lifestyle
Do you smoke? Do you have severe depression? Do you exercise at least twice per week? These questions will better help you determine your possibility for a stroke, heart attack or onset of heart disease. Although heart attack and heart disease are more common in elderly Americans, it’s possible for people in their twenties or thirties to suffer from this condition. It’s estimated someone has a heart attack every 30 seconds in the United States. Visit a heart doctor and ask how you can reduce your risk today.
Remember The Warning Signs
There are multiple warning signs you can look out for to better determine whether or not you are in the early stages of cancer. One in eight women in the United States alone will be diagnosed with breast cancer, while more than 80% of prostate cancers are diagnosed in men over the age of 65. If you notice any strange lumps in your breasts or unusual degrees of nausea and fatigue, visiting a medical center will go a long way in alleviating any worries.
Visit A Medical Center
Cancer is best fought when in its earliest stages. Heart attack and stroke can be prevented through healthy lifestyle changes and regular screenings. Heart disease can be discouraged through a combing of your family history with the aid of a certified professional. Don’t wait until it’s too late to do something about it. Visit with your local medical center and ask for a simple medical scan. Encourage your friends and family members to do so, too.
With simple steps we can save more lives every year.
For more about this, go here.

Heart Failure
Heart failure can be the result of a sudden and singular occurrence, such as the blockage of an artery. However, it normally results from one particular or a series of problems accumulating over a considerable period of time.
Men and women can reduce their risk factors by simply following good health practices that include regular exercise, a proper diet and the avoidance of both smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol, and by recognizing the common signs of heart disease. These are considered to be the top 10 warning signs of heart problems:
- Pain or tightness in the chest
- Pain in the arms that radiates down the body
- Indigestion
- Nausea
- Heartburn
- Dizziness
- Fatigue that is not related to excessive physical activity
- Excessive sweating that is not related to exercise or the air temperature
- Coughing that is separate from any specific respiratory illness
- An irregular heartbeat that is persistent
The causes of heart conditions vary, but they primarily occur in people over the age of 60 and/or are overweight, suffer from diabetes or have high blood pressure. You can obtain more cardiovascular disease info from the American Heart Association.