Going into rehab can be a scary thing. If someone you know has determined that it is necessary for themselves to be checked into an inpatient rehab center or alcohol addiction treatment centers, you should be relieved and happy for them. Coming to terms with the fact that you have a weed addiction or partake in alcohol abuse or any kind of substance over use can be a big step to take for an addict. Alcohol in particular can seem normal for people to have because almost everyone drinks every now and then. It is not illegal and therefore seems harmless but it is extremely addicting. Going to alcohol addiction treatment centers will help your loved one get over their addiction and help them on the road to recover even after the rehab program is complete. Here are a few things to expect if your loved one or friend or family member is checking into one of the good alcohol addiction treatment centers.
The Detox
The first few days will be the hardest. Your loved one will be experiencing withdrawal symptoms as they begin to detox from the alcohol. This can affect everyone differently. Some people may become withdrawn and isolated, wanting to deal alone and others may want the support of everyone around them. Some people become violent and aggressive while others react in different ways. The best thing for loved ones to do during this time is to leave them alone and let them get through it. They have the support of the rehab center and at the moment, that’s all they need. If they ask for you, then of course, go see them, but don’t hover; give them space to get through those first few difficult days.
The Physical Change
Your loved one is going to start looking different as the alcohol leaves their system. Most alcohol addiction treatment centers will cook nutritious meals and encourage exercise which will help the recovering addict to regain lost muscle and weight. Complimenting your loved one on how great they are looking is a good idea but try to avoid specifics as they may be sensitive about certain things. Just let them know how proud you are of them and how great they are doing. It will mean a lot just to know that you notice the changes that are happening even though the process hasn’t been easy.
The Ups and Downs
At times, recovering addicts can go through major emotional mood swings as they begin their new life. Sometimes they can feel on top of the world and like nothing can stop them as they take charge of their own lives and then the next minute they can feel depressed and discouraged and as though they’ll never be able to be free. The best thing to do during these mood swings is just to be there. Be a positive influence during the down times and a peer in the up times. But, whatever the case, just being there, open to talk when your loved one wants to will help them to see that they are not alone and will not have to go through any of this by themselves.
The Long Term
If your loved one needs to stay longer in rehab, do not take this as a negative thing. Research shows that the longer someone stays in rehab, the more likely he or she is not to regress when they get out. The best way to support your loved one during a long term stint is to make sure everything is taken care of at home. The recovering addict is more likely to be able to fully focus on rehab and getting better if they know that all of their responsibilities are being taken care of. As they get better they will care about making sure the family is fed and the bills are paid so if you can reassure them of these things, they will be willing to stay longer at rehab.
Overall, follow the cues of your loved one. They will let you know what they need. When it doubt, talk to them or talk to their counselor and see if there’s anything you should or shouldn’t be doing in order to help them.