Massage therapy in delaware, Medical massage de, Therapeutic massage

Improve Your Game With a Sports Massage

Deep tissue massage delaware

While seen as a somewhat indulgent method of relaxation, a massage actually has its roots in healing. Therapeutic massages such as sports massage therapy are performed to help treat muscular injuries and serve as good prevention against some chronic injuries. Depending on the type of massage received, a session may take anywhere from 15 minutes for a foot massage or 90 minutes for the more intense full body sports massage therapy. That is a really a short amount of time considering the benefits you reap.

In a survey conducted by the American Hospital Association of over 1,000 hospitals, massage therapy was listed as an offering as part of their complementary and alternative medicine, or CAM. Medical massage does more than heal aching muscles. Therapeutic massage has been found to help treat pre-hypertension in women by lowering blood pressure for up to 72 hours after a session, as found in a study by the International Journal of Preventive Medicine. Relaxing is good for your heart!

Sports massage therapy can help treat and prevent chronic injuries. It has been found to help with muscular aches, fatigued muscles, and to increase flexibility. Usually, individuals who participate in sports activities with lots of repetitive motions will need to be cautious of overuse injuries. It is not just professional athletes that need to worry about this, though. Even casual exercisers can suffer from tight or pulled muscles.

Although viewed as a spa treatment, a massage is more than just an excellent method of reaching relaxation. For those people with chronic injuries, sports massage therapy could help them continue to reach their fitness goals. People suffering from high blood pressure can see instant results from a blood-pressure lowering massage. Even if your most pressing need is a bit of ‘me-time’, a massage is a great way to improve your emotional and physical health.

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