If you’re looking into assisted living for elderly family members or loved ones, it’s normal to experience some anxiety. The transition from a family home to an assisted living program can be tough for the whole family, but understanding how assisted living for elderly individuals works can help relieve some of the tension.
Residential assisted living centers adhere to a philosophy of services and care that enable seniors to age with dignity and independence.
Thy typical resident of an assisted living center is a senior without the complex care needs that would require the around the clock medical care provided in nursing homes. Seniors have control over how much independence they have. For instance, they can prepare their own meals or eat in communal dining halls, depending on preference and need.
Most assisted living areas consist of apartment or condo-like living arrangements that allow seniors privacy and the comforts of home.
Many people seek out assisted living for elderly loved ones when the senior in their life begins to seem lonely or withdrawn. Seniors in assisted living residences are encouraged to partake in a community of peers without the need to transport themselves or worry about mobility.
Assisted living centers usually include fitness centers, libraries, TV lounges, outdoor recreation, community centers and even beauty parlors. They also offer a variety of social wellness events that promote fitness, mental stimulation and socialization. These events may include concerts, zumba classes, computer classes, mixers and even group excursions.
Residents of assisted living centers can receive help or supervision with daily living activities like cooking, medication, laundry and cleaning to make sure their comfort and independence are maintained as much as possible.
While most independent living centers don’t offer health care services, they do monitor the health of residents and make sure their daily lives are safe and manageable.
Discuss assisted living with your loved one and come to a solution that’s best for everyone involved.