Sometimes, an older person is no longer able to care for themselves at home. When this day arrives, it may be time for your loved one to move into a nursing home. If you are interested in adult assisted living near me, it’s a good idea to ask around for any recommendations you can get. You will also want to…
Author: Healthy Huntington
Debunking the Misconceptions of Assisted Living
Most people fear old age because of the challenges associated with it. As age progresses, seniors lose the ability to take care of themselves. The burden of caring for your loved ones every day can be overwhelming, especially if you are working. Therefore, it is advisable to take your old parents to an assisted living facility. Your loved ones will…
Troubled by Frequent Aches and Pains? Apply a Pain Patch
Aches and pains are very much a part of daily life. Like many people, you may notice that you have developed some back pain after a long day, realize that you’re regularly taking pain medication for your neck pain, or that you have foot pain after a long day of walking and standing. If your loved ones notice and comment,…
Want a Perfect Smile? Consider In-Office Teeth Whitening
It probably seems like the whole world has either gotten their teeth whitened or the brightest veneers ever. Seeing these bright white teeth has the chance to make you feel bad about your teeth. If you’ve been feeling self-conscious lately, it’s time to consider doing something about it. You just need to do a little research and decide what kind…
Dispelling Four Common Myths About Pregnancy Massage
As any pregnant woman can tell you, a foot massage during pregnancy feels absolutely wonderful. Carrying around all that extra weight puts extra strain on the feet, so it’s nicee to give those feet a little pampering every once in awhile, but why limit the pampering to a just a pregnancy foot massage, when a full-body massage would feel even…
The Beauty And Science Behind Botox Treatments
Americans are living longer, healthier lives than generations past. As a result, more and more Americans are turning to cosmetic treatments in order to slow, if not prevent, the signs of aging. Botox has become one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. “Botox relaxes your facial appearance to restore a smoother, more youthful appearance. It only takes a small amount…
Got Acne? Consider High Frequency Skin Care
Some individuals assume that their acne cases will eventually clear up on their own. While that can certainly happen, no one should count on their bad adult acne just disappearing by itself. Even when that happens, it’s usually because something changed about a patient’s habits or internal physical hormone environment. When you notice chin acne not going away, you could…
Urgent Medical Care Centers Continue To Gain Popularity
Urgent medical care facilities and urgent care clinics have become one of the fastest growing segments in the American healthcare system as demand for quality, affordable, and convenient healthcare continues to increase. In fact, urgent medical care facilities account for a whopping $14 billion in revenue annually in the United States. There are currently an estimated 8,000 urgent care facilities…
Losing Your Hair Doesn’t Mean Losing Your Mind
Unfortunately, people don’t just lose their hair when they go bald — they lose their self-confidence, too. According to a study from Charite – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, the emotional strain of losing one’s hair can result in lower self-esteem, mental disorders like anxiety or depression, and even a noticeably lower quality of life. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to combat…
Assisted Living Facilities
Finding services for an elderly loved one can be stressful and challenge, even in the best of situations. If you are looking for local assisted living business to compare to get an idea of what options are best for your loved one, then you need to make sure you do a thorough online search. You can start with a simple…