5 Reasons Why Web EMR Can Help
Getting your electronic medical records can be huge, especially if you are a business in the medical field that needs to review health records on a regular basis. Many different medical facilities do not realize that improving the overall efficiency by 6% each year can be simply by having electronic medical records. In a recent survey by the AmericanCollege of physicians, it was found that family practice physicians spend 48 minutes or more just on reviewing electronic medical records. That is why it is so important on having these records available at a moments notice.
What Can Web EMR Do For A Medical Facility?
The importance of having medical records available is huge. Any medical facility that has implemented a basic emergency health record system has improved their deficiency by a 21% during the years of 2012 and 2013.andnbsp; Here are five simple reasons why a web EMR system is the way to go for any family practice or any other medical facility.
- Electronic health records are important for any physicians or people in the medical industry that need to have health records in front of them for a proper diagnosis.
- Electronic medical records are much easier to view with this special kind of software.
- Besides having emergency medical records available, there can be virtual practice management software also implemented.
- Medical appointment and scheduling software can be something that is also a great addition to having electronic health records readily available
- A family practice can appreciate having electronic records, but also having family practice EHR software as a new addition.
EMR Software Stats
Having this type of software has proven with many positive results. In 2013 out of all of the office-based physicians that reported having implemented this type of system, their criteria was met for results and had a 48% increase. Now, this increase has gone up from 11% back in 2006.andnbsp; Those are some amazing results just from implementing electronic medical records.
Also, the EHR Incentive Programs for Medicare and Medicaid showed that many physicians were getting ready to apply for intending to apply for these programs. 69% of the physicians in 2013 were ready to also implement these into their medical practices.
In the next year or so, nearly one-half of the physicians and other health practitioners are going to adopt some type of electronic health record system into their office. The reason they plan on doing this is because three quarters of these physicians that already have this type of software are meeting federal andldquo;meaningful useandrdquo; guidelines and criteria is. So, not only are there many different reasons why any type of medical facility should implement electronic health records, but also the software is proving to be a major improvement as well.andnbsp;