Migraines are relentless and incapacitating, unlike most headaches, which are just temporary and easier to cont. This video looks at scientific principles behind migraines.
An initial migraine episode starts due to abnormal activation of neurons in the brain, triggered by both environmental and internal factors. Sleep deprivation, stress, certain dietary choices, strong odors, a fluctuation in the temperature, or hormonal imbalances that occur during a woman’s menstrual cycle are some of the many factors that might set off a migraine.
Scientists believe that low serotonin levels in the body trigger the production of other chemicals in the nervous system- neuropeptides, which are responsible for the throbbing headaches characteristic of migraines. Most migraines can last anywhere from four to seventy-two hours. However, your body might continue to make efforts toward recovery over the next day or two.
Migraines can result from a person’s genes, and they strike females three times more frequently than males. If one of your parents suffers from migraines, then there is a significantly greater chance that you will as well. Migraine headaches can strike anyone anytime. However, most sufferers have identifiable precipitating factors. It is essential to get migraine treatment as soon as you notice the symptoms of one developing. Any delay in doing so may make it harder for the pain to respond to treatment.