The cleaning staff in an assisted living facility are known as EVS, or environmental services staff. Unfortunately, they are often not given adequate training in IPC, or infection protection and control. These workers are on the front lines of the pandemic, providing cleaning and other senior home care services. Some of the services these staff members provide including changing linens, laundry, cooking, and mopping floors.
Doctors Without Borders provided one-on-one training for over 80 nursing home and senior care facilities. The first step was providing proper PPE, or personal protective equipment, and training staff in the use of PPE. PPE is believed to play a role in reducing the spread of diseases including COVID-19. They also spent time training staff in cleaning techniques that adhere to IPC guidelines.
COVID-19 is a highly contagious disease, and the elderly are particularly at risk of long term complications or death if they contract it. Proper cleaning and sanitization practices are essential for slowing the spread of COVID. The use of PPE can protect the staff of an assisted care facility and their family as well as the residents themselves.