Tattoos continue to be incredibly popular and it’s not just the young hipsters who are getting them. Did you know that there are over 20 thousand tattoo parlors in the United States? And somewhere around 45 million people in America have a tattoo! While the popularity of tattoos might make some people lax about the procedure, the fact remains that getting a tattoo can be dangerous if the tattoo sterilization equipment isn’t sterile.
Reasons for getting a tattoo run the gamut. Some people want to memorialize someone who has passed away. Others like to have quotes, small symbols, or extravagant pieces done over large areas of their bodies. Friends, sisters, fraternity brothers and other groups or pairs come to get tattoos so they will always have something visible to match their underlying connection. You can even get a tattoo to commemorate something like beating cancer, having kids, or graduating with your degree. Whatever the reason, people want their tattoo procedures to be safe. An autoclave tattoo sterilizer helps.
While the uses of an autoclave are many, from medical uses or veterinary uses, an autoclave for a tattoo shop, like a statim 2000 autoclave, is important, too. Because tattoos do break the skin, there is the potential for bacteria, viruses, or debris to enter the body. Bloodborne pathogens can survive on needles, counters, and other surfaces for up to a full week. So, equipment and surfaces need to be cleaned and sterilized between every tattoo or piercing client in tattoo shops. That’s just one of the uses of an autoclave as a tattoo sterilizer.
Fortunately, if you are a shop owner, you don’t have to spend tens of thousands of dollars to protect your clients. There are refurbished autoclaves and you can even find a used autoclave for sale. So long as you are buying from a reputable dealer, you can feel confident that your shop will be safe with this equipment.
If you want to learn more about sterilizing your tattoo or piercing shop equipment, give us a call at 704.966.1650. We have the best tattoo sterilization equipment on the market.