Looks matter.
If someone tells you differently, they are wrong.
Looking good makes you more attractive to other people. To people at the office. To people at the bar. To people at a conference. In addition to making you more attractive to others, looking good also makes you feel better about yourself. You have more confidence and you are more likely to share your ideas at work, close that sales deal, and ask that woman at the bar if you can buy her a drink.
Unfortunately, one of the thinks that can affect how a person looks and how a person feel about himself is hair. If you are one of the 35 million men in the U.S. who is experiencing hair loss then you understand the problem. Although there are some people who can pull off the shaved hair look, it is not an option for everyone. In fact, a full head of hair is bot a real confidence booster and a real turn on as well. Fortunately, there are a number of hair replacement services that are available to men who are looking for a way to regain their looks, their confidence, and their youthfulness.
In fact, hair restoration experts continue to come up with methods that will help their clients get themselves back to looking their best. Consider some of these facts and figures about the hair replacement services that are available and the impact that these services have on the nation’s economy:
- More than 95% of hair loss in men is caused by common male pattern baldness.
- 82% of adults are aware that their hair loss is genetic.
- By age 35, 66% of men will experience some level of visible hair loss. By age 50, about 85% of men will have significantly thinning hair.
- As many as 47% of hair loss sufferers report that they would spend their life savings to have a full head of hair again.
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- The hair loss treatment industry in America brought in $4 billion in the year 2017.
Looks are important in today’s world, and if you want to make sure that you are looking your best and that you are feeling your most confident it might be in your best interest to visit with a hair specialist to see what your options are.