Addiction treatment program, Drug abuse treatment centers in arizona, Rehab for women

The Hidden Nature Of Prescription Painkillers Why Americans Are Becoming Addicted To Opioids

Do you live with addiction or know someone who does?

You may already be familiar with the function of the addiction recovery center. An establishment designed from the ground up to address the nature of addiction and provide steady resources to return your life back to you, these locations are starting to see more attendants than ever these past few years. That’s because addiction is on the rise in the United States and too many Americans are still unaware of the positive impact substance abuse treatment can have on them.

An addiction recovery center can provide you the support you’ve been sorely lacking.

The United States is facing an addiction epidemic. Over the decades statistics involving dependency on alcohol, marijuana and heroin has spiked, straining emergency rooms and forcing more people than ever before to become familiar with the benefit of detox centers. According to the U.S. Department Of Health And Human Services, over two million people misused prescription opiods for the very first time back in 2016. This isn’t even the tip of the iceberg, as the past few decades have shown a steady progression toward the reality we’re facing today.

Drug addiction isn’t just a frustrating inconvenience to battle with in the day-to-day. When left unchecked it can easily turn fatal. Drug overdoses have been on the rise these past years and more drug rehab centers are having to account for this astronomical figure. Between the late 1990’s and 2010 over 48,000 women died of prescription pain relievers overdoses in the United States, with this number standing as a 400% increase. Compare this to men, with fatalities that increased by around 230%. Addiction is not an overnight incident, often manifesting over months and years.

The United States now sees three out of five overdose deaths involving an opioid of some sort. Nearly 30% of patients prescribed opioids for chronic pain will end up misusing them, according to the National Institute On Drug Abuse, and around 10% of those patients will go on to develop an opioid use disorder. Back in 2015 nearly two million American adults struggled with some sort of substance abuse disorder related to opioid pain relievers, which makes it easier to make the transition into more heavy drugs such as heroin. What does addiction look like, though?

Addiction can look like sleepless nights and a loss of appetite. It can look like a dwindling social life and a gradual loss of interest in beloved hobbies. It can even look like a trip to the emergency room. The American Society Of Addiction Medicine determined drug overdose to be the leading cause of accidental death in the United States, with the year 2015 seeing over 52,000 lethal drug overdoses alone. If you or someone you know is facing the very real nature of addiction, an addiction recovery center is the first stop on the way to a life more fully lived.

A drug abuse treatment center provides a steady support system of therapists, doctors and peers to help you move beyond addiction’s boundaries and start living again. Rehab for women deals specifically in drug addiction that affects female populations more aggressively, as well, and an addiction treatment plan can be customized with the knowledge of mental illness or extenuating circumstance. Detox centers are available throughout the country and are flexible enough to approach your particular road to recovery however you deem fit.

An addiction recovery center is more powerful than you may think. Give it a try this year and see the difference for yourself.

About Healthy Huntington

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