Have you made an attempt to lose weight over the past year? You may be interested to learn that on average, the typical dieter attempts to lose weight four times a year. While some people may be overweight, others are considered to be obese. If you’re not sure of the difference between these terms, when you weigh 20% or more than what is considered to be the optimal weight for your height, then you may be obese. It’s been found that over two in three adults in the United States are either overweight or obese.
Associated Health Risks
If you are obese, then were you aware that you have an increased risk of developing heart disease?However, if you lose just five to ten percent of your weight, this has been proven to reduce that risk. The American Heart Association also indicates that limiting the amount of trans fats that you eat can also reduce your risk of heart disease. They recommend that your trans fat intake should be less than one percent of your daily caloric intake.
In addition to lowering your trans fat intake, engaging in regular aerobic activities has also proven to be beneficial. In order to lost a pound of fat, researchers believe that approximately 3,500 calories need to be burned.
Breaking the Cycle With an HCG Diet
During the 1950s, Dr. A. T. W. Simeons created the HCG diet. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is taken in combination with a very low-calorie diet in order to boost your metabolism and lose weight. Many people have expressed that this weight-loss program has assisted them with losing and managing their weight.
The Importance of Consulting With Your Physician
Have you considered breaking the cycle with an HCG diet? If you’re considering an HCG weight loss program, it’s important to consult your physician. It’s important to note that you should consult with your primary care physician or other medical professional whenever you want to start a new diet, exercise or weight-loss regimen. Since your health depends on losing weight in a healthy fashion, your medical professional will be able to provide valuable advice on the best course of action for you.