There are a number of reasons why someone might see a psychologist or another mental health professional. Some people have emotional and mental problems that are so severe they can’t function normally while others simply need someone to talk to about a onetime or ongoing issue. For any one of these issues, there are professionals available who can help.
br>A psychologist is a professional who offers counseling and other services. Psychologists are typically people who have an advanced degree in psychology. They can be doctors if they have a Ph.D, but they are not to be confused with psychiatrists, who go through medical training and are medical doctors. Typically, it is only psychiatrists who can prescribe medications, such as anti-psychotics, although some states allow psychologists to prescribe drugs if they have the proper training.
People often see psychologists because of emotional issues in their lives. They may be having trouble with their marriage or are struggling with an unruly child. Couples or families may do counseling sessions together. Some people seek out counseling services because of problems at work. Psychologists often also serve as drug counselors as well as grief counselors to help people cope with a loss. People might see a counselor if they are dealing with a major health issue such as cancer.
Psychologists also perform tasks such as giving IQ tests to children or helping with employee screening at companies. There is an emerging trend of sports psychologists helping athletes with their mental toughness. Many superior athletes report that they have improved their physical performance by as much as 50% by going through mental toughness training. Studies have even shown that simply imagining an activity, such as weightlifting, can improve the actual physical performance in that activity.
Whether you need a child psychologist, a sports psychologist, a substance abuse counselor or a psychiatrist, there are many options available. It can be helpful to get a referral from another professional, such as a primary care doctor or a lawyer. If you are seeking out a counseling professional on your own, get recommendations from friends and family and also check out local and state licensing boards to look for complaints and/or disciplinary actions.