Infertility indianapolis, Low t centers

4 Things You Need to Know About Infertility

What causes pelvic pain

Unfortunately, infertility is a large issue throughout womens health. The causes of infertility in women are largely unknown, however, there are many things you need to know about it before trying for a child. To learn four important things about infertility, read on.

Don’t let your fertility go up in smoke
While smoking cigarettes is already dangerous to womens health, it can also be dangerous to fertility. Smoking five or more cigarettes per day is associated with low fertility rates, in men as well as in women. This does not only mean while you are trying to conceive, but also prior to conceiving. So, if you plan on having children, you may want to reconsider smoking cigarettes.

Try, try again
It’s easy to assume something is wrong if you and your partner have been trying to conceive and are seeing no results. However, if you are under the age of 35 and have experienced no issues with infertility in the past, you should wait one year before contacting your doctor and/or healthcare professional.

Secondary Infertility

Surprisingly, even if you have already had a child, infertility is still a possibility. This phenomenon is called “secondary infertility,” which, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention affects 11% of couples. If you find that you are unable to conceive after a year, even if you already have a child, contact your doctor or healthcare professional.

Your Options
If you meet with your doctor and/or healthcare professional and you find out the unfortunate news that you or your partner are suffering from infertility, there are still many options. There are many infertility solutions to consider, including medicine, in vitro fertilization, surgery, and assisted reproductive technology. Some of these options may negatively affect womens health, however, the negative side effects are typically small compared to the joy of having a child. It is best to discuss these options with your doctor in order to discuss risks and possible side effects.

There are many things you need to consider when trying to conceive, infertility being one of them. If you are planning to conceive in the near future, it’s best to not smoke cigarettes, especially if you know you are already at risk for infertility. If you do find out that your infertile, it is not the end of the world. There are many options that you and your partner can consider with your doctor and/or healthcare professional that can lead to you having the beautiful child that you so desire.

Have you, or anyone you know, ever suffered from infertility? What did they decide to do? Let us know in the comments so we can help out other women who want to be mom’s.

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