One of the most important things in life is health. Staying healthy can too often feel like an afterthought, especially for those who are in relatively good health to begin with. But as soon as it falters, or something unexpected suddenly happens, like a broken bone, tending to those health issues becomes the main priority. However, the health care system…
Author: Healthy Huntington
Important Advantages of Proton Cancer Treatment over Traditional Radiotherapy
Staying healthy and fit is one of the main criteria of leading a productive and rewarding life. For many, this is something that requires constant effort, and the investment of a lot of time and resources. Unfortunately, there are a number of diseases and health concerns that can get in the way of these efforts. One of these concerns, which…
Inguinal Hernia Truss or Walker, Keep Moving
Most people imagine a long, full life for themselves. It is always such a tragedy to hear about someone who has passed away at an age that we deem “too young.” And yet there are many stigmas associated with the act of getting older. Countless cosmetic campaigns sell their products based on the idea of looking younger, and the fashion…
Myths About Urinary Issues
One industry that is continuously at the center of debates in politics and in the social realm is the medical industry. While some believe that everyone deserves a chance to obtain affordable healthcare there are some people who do not agree. It does not matter what side you are on in this debate, what does matter is that you make…
Most Effective Relief for Shoulder Pain
Any sort of pain is never fun, but shoulder pain especially can cause a hindrance to daily activities. It can be difficult to work or even pick up your cup of coffee in the morning if you?re experiencing pain. There are many different causes of shoulder pain and each cause could require different treatments so it?s important to establish what…
Treating Prostate Cancer Effectively With the Help of Proton Radiation Therapy
One of the things that people all over the world try to achieve by investing time, effort and resources is the attainment of good health. Good health can be a combination of healthy lifestyle and habits most of the time, and quite a lot of potential health problems can be avoided by adopting simple but important practices that have an…
How Physical Therapy Promotes Healing and Rehabilitation
Over the years, the use of physical therapy has increasingly gained popularity. It can either be used as a singular treatment or as an alternative to support other treatments. Often, patients undergo physical therapy when referred by their medical practitioners. There are, however, instances where they seek therapy themselves. For physical therapy to be effective, one has to train with…
Four Important Characteristics of a Preferred Urgent Care Location
You have heard about the new urgent care medical model. This new medical choice is supposed to be more convenient, more affordable, and have the ability to provide many of the same medical services as your primary physician. Chances are, you will probably not choose urgent care locations until you are met with a medical need. When that time comes,…
Is Your Marriage Sexless Due to ED? Find Out More About Vacuum Pumps, a Natural Remedy
In the United States, more than 30 million cases of erectile dysfunction (ED) have been reported. Cleveland Clinic published a study that showed 40% of men over 40 experience this condition, and 70% of men over 70 do as well. For men 60 years and older, hardening of the arteries, or Atherosclerosis, is responsible for 50% to 60% of ED…
Acupuncture for the Runner 4 Benefits
Running is a great way to get fit, stay active, and experience a nice rush of endorphins. Whether you are a veteran marathon runner or working up to a second lap around your block, running can be a truly singular experience. Unfortunately, running is hard on the body. Poor form or bad equipment can leave you with a sporty injury…